Welcome to our March Newsletter. We hope you are all safe & well & not too ‘stir crazy’.

We are still at the ‘wait & see’ stage of decision making on the Flower Show and at the mercy of outside factors such as restrictions & Local Government procedures. Hang on to your 2020 schedule because if we get the O.K., we will simply use last years’ classes to avoid costs in re-printing. Early Summer before we may know for sure.

We have 7 members on our ‘FRIENDS’ group, more would be most welcome. This allows you to express an interest in helping out at events, such as the Flower Show, and possibly the evening meetings without committing to full Committee membership. We will be asking our ‘FRIENDS’ to help out should the Flower Show go ahead.

We now have a mailing list of 45, thank you for subscribing. If you have any friends who are members of the Society please alert them to this new digital communication.
Thank you once again for your continued support of the Society, it is much appreciated.

Unfortunately, the April 21 talk on Pot Plants is cancelled. We have invited every one of our cancelled Speakers from 20/21 to come back from September 2021 to reinstate our winter talks. Hopefully, we will re-start our evening programme in September this year, all being well.

Next month I will give everyone details on how to log on and use Zoom with a view to possibly holding a Talk in May. If you have any questions, please contact me on the number below. Look forward to seeing everyone again soon.

Fergus Cumming


View newsletter as PDF – March 2021 Newsletter