Welcome to the June Newsletter. Many thanks to those who came along on 2nd June for the Dahlia cuttings. I had a total of 12 people who cleaned me out of 36 cuttings & other plants and donated £30. This will go to the Sightsavers Charity.
Virtual Talks
We have had two Zoom talks to finish off the old session and now, after a summer break, look forward to our Thursday night talks resuming in Clarkston Halls on 16th September.
The Membership Cards and Talks Leaflet are with the printer, and we hope to get round everyone for renewals throughout the month of June. Membership will remain at £5.00 for the year taking us to summer 22.
June tasks
May and into June has been particularly dry which can be catastrophic for our newly planted bedding plants and fast-growing vegetable crops. Make sure you keep an eye on watering, especially newly planted material, and plants in pots. Potatoes are susceptible to scab as the shaws protrude through the ground if you do not keep them well watered. You may be ready to harvest first earlies at the end of June, so keep them well watered also.
Planting Dahlia cuttings just now, make sure you give them plenty of space (45cms apart) and support. If planting in pots put your stake in at the same time & keep well-watered. Use slug pellets or grit, or eggshells, or wool pellets around base of the plant. Use a base dressing of general-purpose fertiliser, such as Growmore.
Good time to divide Primroses (after flowering), and Hostas and other perennial plants as they are growing fast, and divided clumps will settle in quickly into the warm soil.
Needing to “green-up” any shrubs, trees etc you can now get Epsom Salts in the garden centres – a great source of Magnesium & trace elements. Sorts ‘yellowing leaves’. We will keep you informed throughout the summer as normality appears somewhere on the horizon. Encourage your friends to sign up to the Newsletter at
Have a great growing season!
Many thanks,
Fergus Cumming
President (0141 620 1435)
View newsletter as PDF – BACHS Newsletter June 2021