Welcome to the July Newsletter. Now that “flaming June” is out of the way we can look forward to the fruits of our labour in the garden.
We have printed new membership cards and promotional leaflets announcing our Winter Session talks commencing in September. The committee will be visiting members in July to renew memberships for the new 2021/22 season.
Winter Talks
The talks this year will be COVID compliant, and we have yet to hear about numbers allowed. There will probably be signing in for test & trace and probably social distancing but we would hope to accommodate up to fifty in the hall.
July Tasks
Time to prune spring and early summer flowering shrubs such as deutzia, weigela & philadelphus. Prune them once flowering is finished. Deadheading flowering plants is extremely important to promote more flowers and stop plants setting seed which drains energy. Now is also the time to continue your feeding regime. Try and get into a habit of feeding once per week, say at the weekend. It is easy to forget when things seem to be growing well. Tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and squashes are hungry plants. Your summer bedding will also benefit also from regular feeding with a high potash feed.
The cartoon above reminds me of the warning that if you use weedkiller in the garden keep a separate watering can available for this task only. Residue in the bottom can be deadly for plants. Mine is a red one (with a dribble bar), to remind me of the danger.
Finally, having harvested early potatoes, shallots or leaf crops it is not too late for a summer sowing of lettuce, beetroot, radish etc – fast growing harvests for late summer.
There is still room for more recipients of our newsletter and a better way of communicating with members. Please encourage friends to sign up to the Newsletter at
Have a great summer and remember the factor 50.
Many thanks,
Fergus Cumming
President (0141 620 1435)
View newsletter as PDF – BACHS Newsletter July 2021