Clarkston Horticultural Society Newsletter – June 2022
Dear Member
The Plant Swap evening was well attended and raised £50.25 which will go to charity. We also had two talks, one on Primula and the other on the Floriade & Keukenhoff which I think were enjoyed by all in attendance.
We have a break now in club activities over the summer with only the coach trip on Sat. 11th June to come next. Coach departs Clarkston Hall at 9.15am. Donations for the raffle gratefully received & remember those still to pay balance – cash only please. One more thing – we have a stall at Eaglesham Fair this Sat. 4th June, and if you have any surplus plants, bring them along in the morning. Volunteers also needed to man the stall. A great PR exercise for the Society.
Everything’s growing fast – if you don’t want to be gardening like the gent in the cartoon, keep on top of the growth summer brings along. Keep the weeds down in beds and vegetable patches, as it’s easy to forget whilst you sun yourself on the patio.
Plant out – now is the time to plant out tender crops & flowers. Dahlia & Chrysanthemum cuttings, tubers and stools, summer bedding and tender veg. crops. If growing in pots & baskets keep an eye on the watering & start feeding early to encourage flowers & vegetables.
Softwood Cuttings – take cuttings from a plant’s soft, flexible young stems now as they have the highest rooting potential of any stem cutting. Fuchsia, Geranium, Buddleja, Lavender, Aubretia, Argyranthemum, Salvia, Verbena, Weigela to name a few. Pop the pot in a poly- bag or small propagator and keep somewhere shady. Keep moist. Should root in a few weeks.
Annual Show – Saturday 3rd September in Clarkston Hall. If you’re new to showing, get in touch over the summer with any questions. We will also be needing some help with the Show in areas such as the Tea Room, Tombola, Plant Stall & general stewarding. Get in touch if you can help. Taking a break now with the Newsletter.
See you in September.
Happy Gardening!
Fergus Cumming – President (0141 620 1435)