Clarkston Horticultural Society Newsletter – May 2022
Dear Member
I hope you enjoyed Stan da Prato at the April meeting, as it is a talk, I’m disappointed I missed. Birthday treat took me to Barcelona that week, followed by a trip to Amsterdam the following weekend for the Floriade & Keukenhoff. I was supposed to bring back tulips but brought back Covid instead.
Anyway, our May meeting will have a double talk – one on Primulas plus a review of my Holland trip. Also, our Plant Swap, where excess plants can be exchanged or bought with the proceeds to Charity. There will also be a Jalapeno Challenge with plants available to grow on and exhibit at our Flower Show. Only 10 plants available at £1.00 per entry so be quick.
Jobs for April</h3
Talking about Asparagus – ever thought of growing it? Not as difficult as it looks- now it is in season, but you can get Crowns to plant for next year’s crop. Planted on a ridge in a 2’ wide trench with the fingers of the tubers spread out like a bunch of bananas. Trick is not to harvest in their first year but let them die back & feed the Crown for next year. Needs a bit of space.
Dahlia cuttings – if, like me you do not have a heated bench, continue taking Dahlia cuttings. Growth should be strong now so take a sharp knife & try and take a bit of tuber at the base of the cutting. Should root in 4 weeks & planted out in June, gives sharper flowers.
Bothered with Slugs? – with the temperature rising in May, now is a good time to apply Nematodes as a slug control. These are microscopic worms which you water on to the soil and they seek out their prey, burrowing in and eating them from the inside out. Charming, but very effective. Order them online at Nematodes Direct.
Plant up Herbs – good time to have a little planter of your favourite herbs outside the kitchen door. Something like a strawberry pot ideal if you don’t have a herb patch in the garden.
Hoe, Hoe Hoe! – not a message from Santa but a gentle reminder to keep that hoe working.
Happy Gardening!
Fergus Cumming – President (0141 620 1435)